Whether you are a seasoned wax client or a newbie to the very popular Brazilian Wax there are some guild lines you can follow that can make your wax experience better and last longer. I have been doing Brazilian waxes professionally for 16 years and have had every question and situation you can think of in that time.
Before Your Appointment
- Make sure you schedule your wax appointment for a few days after your period has ended. This is the time that we are less sensitive down there for waxing. The closer you are to your period starting the more sensitive and the harder to get the hair out due to water retention.
- Come in showered and clean with no lotions or body oils on. We use a hard wax for our Brazilian waxes which means it adheres to the hair and not the skin, that being said it’s better to free of your own naturals oils from the skin as well as lotion so that the wax can grab all the hair and give you a better wax.
- Trimming…for those who feel like they are Sasquatch down there and feel like you need to weed wacke before your appointment…Don’t! In my experience people seem to get over zealous with their home trimmers and end up coming in with hair that is too short to wax. (The hair needs to be at least ¼ inch long in order to wax and preferably a little bit longer if it is your first time or an avid shaver). We are professionals and are equipped to trim if we deem necessary at the appointment ?
- If it is your first time or you tend to be more sensitive, I recommend taking Ibuprofen 15-30 minutes before your wax appointment. It helps with discomfort and inflammation. There is no need for tequila shots or heavy narcotics before your wax…it only makes it worst!!!
At The Wax Appointment
- A Brazilian wax includes all the hair down there, including in between the butt cheeks. Some people prefer a “triangle” or “landing strip” on top, it is totally preference. Unfortunately shapes, designs, and letters don’t really work as the hair is not 3 dimensional down there.
- Relax…our job is to make the wax experience as comfortable and stress free as possible. I have a whole bag of tricks to help you through the process and honestly the anticipation is way worse than the actual wax.
After The Appointment
- You may be a little sensitive, red and inflamed after your wax especially if you are new to waxing. So don’t wax just before a pool party or a planned romantic evening.
- Your hair follicles will be open 24-48 hours after a wax so try to avoid any lotions or soap with lots of fragrance or pools and Jacuzzis full of chemicals. Sex and work outs are ok as long as you shower right after to get rid of sweat and bacteria.
Nothing makes you feel cleaner or sexier than a Brazilian wax so enjoy it! Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any question surrounding waxing.
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